Bulletproof Coffee: Was ist das und wie macht man diesen Keto-Kaffee?

Bist du vor kurzem mit einer Keto-Diät begonnen und ist dir der Begriff “Bulletproof Kaffee” oder “Keto-Kaffee” dabei aufgefallen? Diese Tasse Kaffee ‘auf der Basis von Steroiden bringt dich durch den Tag und hilft dir, deine Ziele so schnell wie möglich zu erreichen. Der Name ist natürlich schon köstlich und klingt wie etwas Unverwüstliches. Wenn […]

Measuring ketones: What are the options and how do I measure?

When following a ketogenic diet, you’ll want to check that you’re in ketosis, the state when your body burns fat instead of glucose. When your body produces ketones, they’re found in your blood, in your urine and your breath. Checking the levels gives you the information that your keto diet is working and will motivate […]

Keto flu: what is it? What are the symptoms and how to get over it

You learned about the health and weight loss benefits of the keto diet and are looking forward to getting started. But you might also have heard about the so-called “keto flu”.This usually occurs when you are a few days into your new ketogenic eating plan. You find yourself feeling under the weather, your head is […]

Keto flu: what is it? What are the symptoms and how to get over it

You learned about the health and weight loss benefits of the keto diet and are looking forward to getting started. But you might also have heard about the so-called “keto flu”.This usually occurs when you are a few days into your new ketogenic eating plan. You find yourself feeling under the weather, your head is […]