Go-Keto Blood Ketone Test Strips for Go-Keto meter (x25)
Our Go-Keto® ketone teststrips are admired for their accuracy. Used daily by thousands of ketonians, and health professionals.
The Go-Keto® Blood Ketone Test Strips are thin strips with a chemical reagent system which work with the Go-Keto® and the Go-Keto Blood Glucose & Ketone Meter to measure the blood β-Ketone (beta-hydroxybutyrate) concentration in whole blood. Blood is applied to the end tip of the test strip, and then automatically absorbed into the reaction cell where the reaction takes place. A transient electrical current is formed during the reaction and the blood β-Ketone concentration is calculated based on the electrical current detected by the meter, then the result is shown on the meter display. The meters are calibrated to display plasma equivalent results.
Specifications & Features:
Each box contains 25 Ketone Test Strips and 1 Code Chip. To measure blood glucose you need the Chosen Glucose teststrips..
- Accuracy:
- 97,1% within 15% of laboratory reading.
- 99,4 % within ± 0.2mmol
- CE0123 certified for home use
- The Go-Keto® Blood β-Ketone Test Strip has been tested and shown to give accurate results up to 10,000 ft (3,048 meters).
- Quick Reaction time: Results in 10 seconds
Important: These ketone test strips can only be used with the Go-Keto® and OnCall® GK Dual glucose and ketone meter.
Important: We guarantee a minimum shelf life on all teststrips of 6 months
Why the Go-Keto Ketone test strips are the best choice.
Our Go-Keto® ketone teststrips are admired for their accuracy. Used daily by thousands of ketonians, and health professionals.
✅ 25 Ketone test strips for use in Go-Keto® or GK Dual meter (sold separately)
✅ Highly accurate blood ketone monitoring
✅ Measures from 0.0 mmol/L ~ 8.0 mmol/L
✅ Easy to use
✅ #1 Ketone test in Europe to track progress into nutritional ketosis!
✅ Recommended by leading ketogenic doctors, scientists, coaches
✅ Detects low ketone levels at an early stage
- User-friendly design for better operation
- Ketone test strips clearly labeled with test name and arrow marks for easier strip identification and operation
- Ketone icon on the display and Code Number starting with letter “K” on the canister help distinguish between ketone and glucose tests
Instructions for use:
Before use check your User’s Manual for complete instructions for blood sample collection. Watch our instructional videos to optimize your testing results. These videos can be found on our YouTube channel and on our website.
- Open the cap of the test strip vial only to remove a test strip for testing. Replace the cap immediately to protect the remaining test strips from moisture in the air.
- Run the blood β-Ketone test following the instructions contained in your user’s manual.
- The blood β-Ketone test result will be shown on the meter display window. This result should fall within the target range recommended by your healthcare professional. If your blood β-Ketone test results are higher, ask your healthcare professional what to do. Always consult your healthcare professional before making any changes to your treatment plan.
The Go-Keto® Ketone Test Strips are designed to be used with fresh capillary blood from fingertip only. Blood samples from the forearm or palm can not be used.
Go-Keto® Ketone Test Strips are used by people at home and by healthcare professionals for the quantitative measurement of β-Ketone in capillary whole blood only from the finger. Professionals may also test venous blood samples.
Each test strip contains the following reactive chemicals: 3-Hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase < 10 IU, Mediator < 100 μg, Buffer, Non-reactive Ingredient. Each test strip vial contains a drying agent.