Who is the test for?
The test is for individuals seeking to determine their urine albumin levels, this test provides insights into whether the concentration is below 10 mg/L, falls within the range of 10-20 mg/L, or exceeds 20 mg/L.
How to use

- Collect a little urine in the supplied plastic cup (urine sample height : between 1 cm and 1.5 cm in the cup).
- Tear the protective pouch (from the notch) and remove the strip only, holding it by the grip end. Dispose of the small desiccant pouch.
- Dip the strip vertically in the cup containing your urine sample, placing it in the notch provided for that purpose during 5 to 10 seconds. CAUTION : THE URINE LEVEL MUST NOT EXCEED THE HORIZONTAL BLUE LINE PRINTED ON THE STRIP UNDER THE SMALL ARROWS.
- Place the strip horizontally on a flat dry surface and allow the reaction to occur. Read the result after 5 to 10 minutes. Do not interpretthe result after 15 minutes.
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Results and recommendations

The test is positive

The test is borderline

The test is negative
The intensity of the test band coloration is greater than that of the control band. This result indicates that your urine contains lessthan 10 mg/L of albumin.

The test is inconclusive
If there is no control band visible on the strip, it is not possible to interpret the test, which must be considered as inconclusive. Inthis case, it is recommended to repeat the test with a new M-AlbuCheck-1 Strip and a fresh urine sample.
Questions and answers
The kidneys filter the blood to remove impurities. Thus, compounds of small size are eliminated in the urine while larger proteins are retained. Albumin is one of those proteins. If the kidneys are functioning normally, albumin is not present in the urine or is only present at very low concentrations (less than 10 mg/L). The M-Albu-Check-1 Strip test enables determination of abnormal albumin concentrations in the urine. In case of positive result, it means that the Microalbumin concentration is higher of 20 mg/L (as determined against W.H.O.* reference).
*World Health Organisation
The test should preferably be conducted with the first urine of themorning.
The concentration of compounds in the urine is generally higher inthe first urine of the morning. For that reason, morning urine samplesshould preferably be used to obtain the best results. However, theM-Albu-Check-1 Strip test may be conducted on a urine sampleobtained at any time of day.
If the result is positive, it means that the test has detected more than20 mg/L of albumin in your urine. This result may be a temporarychange in your physiological state. Repeat the test several days later. Ifthe positive result is confirmed, consult your physician and show him/
her the test and leaflet.
A borderline result means that the test has detected an albuminconcentration greater than 10 mg/L and less than 20 mg/L. This resultdoes not require particular surveillance other than regular control ofyour urinary albumin level.
Yes, intensive physical exertion induces an increase in urinary albuminlevel. You should avoid conducting a M-Albu-Check-1 Strip test in thatcontext.
Yes, in the event of fever, severe infection or pregnancy. All thosestates may be accompanied by an elevated urinary albuminconcentration.
Excessive liquid intake the day before the test may induce a falsenegative result. Conversely, inadequate fluids intake may induce a falsepositive result. You should therefore drink normally.
The M-Albu-Check-1 Strip test is accurate and has been used for more than 10 years by professionals (hospitals, laboratories) in the field. Evaluation reports show an overall agreement of at least 88.89% [82.42-93.42] ** with reference methods. Although this test is reliable, false positive or false negative results could be obtained.
** CI 95%: 95 % Confidence Interval.