Urine 14 pads (Ca, BLO, Ph, CRE, NIT, KET, SG, ASC, GLU, BIL, PRO, ALB, URO, LEU)
Mission Urinalysis Strips 14 Parameters
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Urinalysis with 14 parameters (Ca / Blo / pH / Cre / Nit / Ket / SG / Asc / Glu / Bil / Pro / Alb / Uro / Leu)
The Mission® Urinalysis Strips are a great tool to get insight into the patient’s overall health and their metabolic, liver and kidney functions. It is a very cost effective screening tool. The Mission® Urinalysis Strips are very reliable and have comparable performance to the market leaders.
✅Very reliable
✅Comparable performance to market leaders
✅Very cost effective screening tool
✅Gives insight into metabolic, liver and kidney functions
✅Easy to use and instant results