Cholesterol Home Testing


Measure your cholesterol at home

A high cholesterol level is considered a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Other risk factors include, for example, smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes, or obesity. Heredity may also play a role. The more risk factors you have, the greater your risk1. However, cholesterol is also useful and important1. If you want to know why then read the cholesterol page. By regularly testing your cholesterol, you can monitor against the preferred level. Knowledge is power.

Cholesterol ratio and risk estimation

High cholesterol is one of the risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Usually, your doctor takes into account any other risk factors you may have and will determine whether you have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and if treatment is advisable. To establish determine your risk for heart disease, your doctor will use the cholesterol ratio. The lower the cholesterol ratio, the healthier. The cholesterol ratio can easily be calculated by dividing total cholesterol by your HDL level. A high HDL levels thus gives a low-cholesterol ratio, and that is good news. Your cholesterol ratio is considered a better predictor of cardiovascular disease than your total cholesterol1.

Testing with the Mission 3-in-1 Cholesterol Meter

If you do not have the opportunity to visit your doctor for a cholesterol test, or if you prefer testing at home, you can easily do it yourself with the Mission 3-in-1 cholesterol meter. With this testing device you can measure your HDL, LDL, cholesterol ratio and total cholesterol. To find out what values are considered “normal”, visit our cholesterol target values page. The Mission 3-in-1 cholesterol meter comes with a carrying case, batteries, software and 5 lancets, test strips and capillaries. More information can be found below and in this short video. If after reading /seeing this information, you still have questions, you can always reach us by email. We are here to help.

Instructions for use

The Cholesterol meter is pre-configured by us and ready for use. Before your first use we recommend you watch this video and read carefully following instructions. Before you start, make sure you have the following:

  • Mission 3-in-1 Meter
  • Lancet
  • Teststrip
  • Capillary
  • Our cholesterol testcard and a pen to write down your testresults.

How and when to measure your Cholesterol?

Measurement to be done preferably early in the morning on an empty stomach. The value of the blood triglycerides are affected by sugars in the blood, which then influences the LDL calculation.

Please refer to the Quickstart guide and/or our written step-by-step guide and video below to see how to set up the test device for first time use.

** Clinical studies show that the measured values compare very well with laboratory tests. The meter and strips can be used by both consumers (test with blood from the fingertip) and professionals (testing in veins blood, serum and / or plasma – with or without anti-coagulants).

Mission Cholesterol Testing Instruction Video

Sometimes it’s just easier to watch a video. We have filmed all the necessary steps in detail so you know exactly what to do. Watch the instructional video or refer to the user manual.

If you are unable to watch the video please check our written step by step instructions instead.

Cholesterol Home Testing step1 cholesterolhometesting turning on mission 3in1

1. Turn the test device on.

After startup, the Initial Screen will be displayed.  Ensure the code chip is inserted. Compare the number showed in the display with the code number printed on the canister label or foil pouch.

IMPORTANT: Each new set of teststrips contains a new code chip.

Cholesterol Home Testing step2 cholesterolhometesting inserting teststrip 300x271 1

2. Insert the test device

Insert a testdevice into the Device Channel in the same direction as the arrows indicate on the device.  Ensure that the test device is inserted all the way to the end.

Cholesterol Home Testing step2 cholesterolhometesting inserting the testdevice
Insert de Test Device correctly in the direction of the red arrow.
On the Test Device should be visible 3in1
Cholesterol Home Testing step2 cholesterolhometesting ready to place bloodsample

IMPORTANT: The blood drop symbol will flash when the meter is ready for the specimen to be applied.

Cholesterol Home Testing step3 cholesterolhometesting puncture with lancets

3. Puncture your fingertip to draw blood

Carefully rotate and pull off the protective cap. Press the lancet against the puncture site tightly to lance the skin..

Tip: Puncture the side of the fingertip, which has less nerves than the fingertip itself. Always make sure you wash your hands with warm water. Gently massage the surrounding area toward the puncture point to collect the required blood volume.

Tip: To puncture properly always use the Mission safety lancets (see bottom of this screen)

Cholesterol Home Testing step4 cholesterolhometesting capillair fill with blood mission 3 in 1

4. Fill the capillary with blood to the black fill line.

It is essential that you fill the capillary with blood to the black fill line. It might take a while to get comfortable with the meter and how to prick a drop of blood. It is important that you have a nice round drop of blood. Its best to wipe of the first drop of blood with a paper towel, and use the next drop. Then, hold the capillary tube with the open side facing up, gently touching the blood drop.

Caution: Do not press the capillary tube, as it fills by itself. If you do not get enough blood into the capillary the first time. Then start again. Put the partly filled capillary down. Create a new drop of blood. Then hold the capillary slightly tilted down and with the opening upwards and touch the droplet until you have collected enough blood.

Tip: Wipe your finger dry / clean (with tissue paper) before making a new droplet. The droplet should be nice and round and should not flow! IMPORTANT: If there is not enough blood on the test strip, the meter will display an error code (E5) or show different values. All error codes are explained in the manual.

Cholesterol Home Testing step6 cholesterolhometesting bloodonteststrip

5. Apply blood on the teststrip

Use the capillary transfer tube to apply the blood on the teststrip. The meter will now begin testing. In 1 to 2 minutes, the result is shown. Press the arrow keys to view all the results. WIth the 3-in-1 teststrip that is Total cholesterol, HDL, Triglycerides, LDL, and the cholesterol ratio.

Tip: Write down your values on our Cholesterol Test Card, which you can  download and print. It helps to keep an overview of your measurement. And you can also see what values are considered “normal”.

Cholesterol Home Testing step6 measure cholesterol yourself write down results

6. Write down your Test results

If you have downloaded and printed our cholesterol test card, then you will see, next to the column where you have entered your test results, what is considered “normal”.

You can also view this information our cholesterol target values page. Besides the normal meter readings, a Cardiac Heart Disease Risk Assessment is also possible to evaluate the risk of heart attack, stroke and heart disease. By creating a profile, entering gender, age, (non)smoker / (non) diabetic and blood pressure, you can see if you have an increased risk of cardiac and / or vascular disease.

Watch the movie below to see how to use it, when you would like to know how to install the device, you can watch the video on the bottom of this page.

Cholesterol Home Testing acon certified dealer

Quality & Warranty

All Point Of Care measuring devices offered by Swiss Point of Care comply with the strict European directives, certified and CE0123 provided. The Mission 3 in 1 cholesterol meter is provided by Swiss Point of Care to independent agencies in Europe, including Switzerland and Germany, and subjected to stringent quality tests several times a year.

Swiss Point of Care is authorized dealer of ACON for Europe.

Swiss Point of Care stands for trust and reliability. On all of our products we provide the full factory warranty. You are entitled to a good product. If something is amiss, we will solve it for you.

Mission Cholesterol Setup Instruction Video

Did you just buy the Mission 3-in-1 Cholesterol Meter. Then watch this movie in order to setup your meter. Trust us. It’s very easy.

If you require assistance after seeing this instruction movie, please give us a ring or send us an e-mail.