Lena Selimi, also known as lalena.live, is the founder of “The Vegan Keto Bootcamp”.
The Vegan Keto Bootcamp – is the world’s first program designed specifically to help women get into ketosis very quickly, lose weight, defeat endometriosis, balance their hormones, break free from food addictions and their individual goals.
Her goal is to help women in particular achieve their personal best health by providing information about the vegan keto diet.
She is a certified yoga teacher and has studied various natural healing methods, fasting and detox methods, as well as karma diagnostics, strategic alignment method and she offers 1: 1 holistic transformation coaching.
In her coaching, she ensures that her clients understand the basics of nutrition and she learns about the vegan keto diet. She created a community where support and friendship are found. Getting out of the comfort zone, about isolation and the feeling of shame is a crucial part for many women on their dietary journey. Diet change also means identity change and “The Vegan Keto Bootcamp” is a good place to make contact and stay on track with the support of like-minded people.
Most of its customers lose 7-10 pounds in the first month of the Bootcamp program.
“My wish is to pass on the techniques I have learned in recent years. My approach is aimed at harmonizing health and balance between body, mind and soul. Diet is the fundamental basis of everything that brings energy and space for personal growth and self-development. My biggest motivation is to help people in their processes and I want to help people to free them from old belief systems.
I use different techniques to reprogram the mind and break free from food addictions. I believe that experience alone helps to really grow and I guide my customers step by step through their own journey and support to take a step back in their strength and gain control over their lives and food choices.
If you want to know more about Lena, go to
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/lalena.live/