Results and recommendations
The test is positive
The result is positive if the FSH line is darker than the Control line.
This result means that the FSH level is equal or higher than 25 mIU/mL. In this case, a second test must be performed 5 or 7 days later as the concentration of FSH can change during the menstrual cycle. If the positive result is confi rmed, you could be under menopausal process and you are advised to consult your gynaecologist for a defi nitive diagnostic.
The test is borderline
The intensity of the test band coloration is equal to that of the control band. This result indicates that your urine contains between 10 and 20 mg/L of albumin. Please control your urinary albumin level from time to time.
The test is negative
The intensity of the test band coloration is greater than that of the control band. This result indicates that your urine contains lessthan 10 mg/L of albumin.
The test is inconclusive
If there is no control band visible on the strip, it is not possible to interpret the test, which must be considered as inconclusive. Inthis case, it is recommended to repeat the test with a new M-AlbuCheck-1 Strip and a fresh urine sample.